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New Videos on the ATHA Youtube Channel


Stephanie Allen Krauss, former Vice-President of ATHA and owner of Green Mountain Hooked Rugs, has generously shared a two-part video for beginning rug hookers on the ATHA Youtube Channel. Click here to view: Basic Rug Hooking, Part 1 and 2. Stephanie is a fourth-generation rug hooker, who learned rug hooking at the age of six from her mother, Anne Ashworth, a nationally known rug hooking teacher and dyer. During her teen-age years, she learned about dyeing and later about repairing rugs.  In 1999, Stephanie opened her shop to sell supplies, teach classes, and offer rug repair. In 2010, Stephanie was honored with the Governor’s Heritage Award as best folk artist in the state of Vermont. To date, her body of work includes more than 300 hooked rugs. Most recently, Stephanie has enjoyed an exploration of antique geometric rugs due to a position in Southampton, New York, where she is the lead restorer for a large private collection of antique hooked rugs.


 The Aug/Sept Magazine is online


Featuring the Black Swamp Rug Hooking Chapter

ATTENTION:  Announcing the Chapter Grant Program

Do you want to increase your membership and promote rug hooking in your community? 

 ATHA can help!

ATHA is offering grants up to $300 to chapters interested in teaching beginning rug hookers. Whether your chapter is planning a hooking demonstration in the community or teaching a beginner’s class, ATHA can help you purchase the supplies. For more information, contact Gail Dufresne, Education Chair, [email protected] (609) 397-4885.
