The Feb/March 2025 Magazine is online
New Website Progress Check
I am sure you are all aware that it takes 9 months to grow a baby, but have you ever heard the phrase that you can't birth a baby in one month just by using 9 people? Well, that is where we are at. We don't need 9 months, but we do need more time. I like to use this analogy for software development, because it was always entertaining with my male co-engineers - just adding more people to a project doesn't necessarily finish it any quicker.
In any case, things are moving along with the website, and at this point, most of the new features in place. In fact, during this past month we have been soliciting data from the chapter officers for their chapter web pages. (If your chapter has not yet submitted information, the query went out several weeks ago). But, we do have a lot more work to do. We need to finish porting the existing features, including the events, online magazine, and magazine article library. So, we are at least a month away, but getting closer! We do hope you will appreciate the new user interface and features when you are actually able to use them
In fact, here's a sneak peek at how the pattern library will appear...

Keep watching this space for updates! (submitted by Kay, ATHA Website Administrator)
Do you want to increase your membership and promote rug hooking in your community?
ATHA can help!
ATHA is offering grants up to $300 to chapters interested in teaching beginning rug hookers. Whether your chapter is planning a hooking demonstration in the community or teaching a beginner’s class, ATHA can help you purchase the supplies. For more information, contact Gail Dufresne, Education Chair, [email protected] (609) 397-4885.